I don’t seem to possess sufficient inspiration to return to the style of my old blog (whose archive is available in the About section), and in this post I will simply share my observations of the current Ukrainian culture on the ground. In my school classes, I have heard the following appalling snippets.
Constant sexism and sexualisation of females - clever blonde, focus on beauty as the distinguishing, most obvious feature of the female.
Casual racism - using Zimbabwe as a symbol of the idiotic Other (an old Soviet meme about that particular country, similar to Burkina Faso).
He or she - yes, even a teacher who would be supposed to be in the most compromised position to imbibe the cultural Occidental Zeitgeist (<ts>) is still parroting the highly outdated expressions - this one long superseded with the abominable pronoun they.
Global warming - even the zoomers, born into the 2010s, keep repeating this obsolete term, long 1984ed by the even newer newspeak climate change.
Colour-coded sexism - white for girls, black for boys.
Assured marriage assumption - your wife will be happy.
I rest my case. This is a clear indicator of the cultural rift between even the Russian periphery and the American heartland of the neo-Christian civilisation.
P.S. Feel free to see my old tale of the earlier years of my eternal career - of a physics teacher believing in magic (dowsing), and of another lecturer assuming tight (yoga?) pants to be a supposed Chinese conspiracy to make Ukrainian females infertile (sic!).
Of course, this blog entry is utterly useless as ammunition against ZOGgers’ propaganda about the Ukraine as an alleged stronghold of transvestitism in Russia. At the same time, this is not an argument as to the health of my nation - it is in fact on the same path of suicide as any other Aryan country on Earth. But it may serve as a report from the frontlines of the culture war, so to say - to remember to keep an open mind on these matters, where it is so easy to become a prisoner of a palace of broken mirrors! I do wonder whether Latin America is closer to the heartland than this Russian periphery is.
As regards myself, I don’t feel at home here. Neither would I be comfortable among the rabid transvestites of the West, however. These are normies everywhere, blind insects conversing in pheromones, incapable of introspection. Their reproducing the memes marginally closer to mine is of little solace.
P.P.S. Yes, even the amusing anarkiddy Sofa Legion Strategist is equally a normie. Without the knowledge of at least one foreign language (English), a Russian appears to remain a Russian - confusing Nazism with nationalism, overlooking the Marxist lace panties lodged right in one’s own mouth (1991 & 2014), and so many other silly cultural markers, I have long since abandoned any hope of an intelligent discourse.
All that remains is autistically to blast my edit of the Sovietwave compilation, awaiting the advent of AI waifus and/or nuclear war in 2025 CE / Juche 114 / Anno Hitleri 136.
P.P.P.S. Pheromones - I almost remember to have written a specific blog entry with it as a title, yet can’t seem to find it in the archives. Oh well, here are the two articles I once penned using the above expression.
Two or three Russian dolls? (reblog of Chechar).
© Conservative Swede (August 2007)
The world I live in consists of Christians and liberals. It’s their world and I do not belong to them.
© Guillaume Faye
They predicted the end of history after the collapse of the USSR? We wish to speed its return: thunderous, bellicose, and archaic. Islam resumes its wars of conquest. American imperialism is unleashed. China and India wish to become superpowers. And so forth. The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires.